Tuesday, November 11, 2014

2 Months and Counting

Over the weekend Rosalie turned 2 months old. It's going by quickly and she's growing so fast and right before my eyes! Before we know it she'll be off to college :-( - okay so maybe that's still a little off. But it is amazing to see how much she's grown. Check out the comparison photo below. She was such a little peanut at 9 days and now she's filled in much more.

Where her milestone the other week was smiling, she is now cooing a lot more. Here is the latest video of her trying to talk.

Last week Adam had a work trip. Rosalie and I dropped him off at the airport on Tuesday at 3pm and he didn't come home until Thursday at 11pm. So it was just Rosalie, Heart Dog, and me for about 2 and a half days. We survived! But it was a lot harder taking care of a baby and a dog without a partner. I really can't imagine being a single parent. Luckily, Loni came over Wednesday night to keep me company and give me a break from holding Rosalie. I can't believe I forgot to take a photo, but here's an earlier photo with Loni and Rosalie. Loni also brought me a bunch of magazines that helped me pass the time when Rosalie was sleeping. Thanks Lon!

Loni and Rosalie
Rosalie and Heart Dog

Sorry for the short update, but gotta go eat dinner before feeding time.

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