Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thankful for a Month of Milestones

With Turkey Day around the corner, I thought I'd write about recent Rosalie milestones that I've been so thankful to witness while on maternity leave. She's growing so fast and I'm sad to think that January 12th, when I return to work, is just around the corner. Not because I'm sad to go back to work - I'm actually looking forward to it - but I will miss spending so much time with my little girl. I have really gotten to know her well over these past couple of months and am always delighted when I see her developing and learning new things.

Milestone #1 - Hand in mouth
No - not hand in mouth disease, or foot in mouth disease for that matter. :-) I'm talking about Rosalie finding more coordination with her hands, enough to put her right hand into her mouth. They say that babies love their hands and Rosalie is becoming quite the drooly mcdrooly now that she's found her right hand. We have yet to see her find the left one, but I'm sure that will come soon.

Finding her right hand

Milestone #2 - Grasping and batting
In addition to finding her hand to put into her mouth, she's also started to use her arms and hands to bat and grasp at the dangling critters hanging from her jimney mat (thanks for the mat Nana Joy!). She has come a long way from what Adam called - her Astronaut newborn body - in which she was trying to figure out that her limbs were a part of her space suit - to now actually experimenting with them. I don't think she totally knows yet that she can control them, but she's getting there.

Rosalie in her "teacup baseball uniform"
She can pitch a mean knuckle ball (into her mouth) and bat at a dangling elephant with the best of them
Rosalie on her Jimney Mat
Milestone #3 - Chatty Cathy and Smiley McSmiley
Rosalie has been quite the chatty girl over the past few days. She's been cooing for the past couple of weeks, but most recently she is making more sounds, almost as if she's trying to talk. Check out the video. She also loves to mimick my ooooh's and ahhh's.

And, her smiles have become more plentiful these days whenever she sees or hears her mom and dad. They can make any bad day happy. :) She even has laughed a couple of times for us.

Milestone #4 - Rolling over
We've been practicing "tummy time" with Rosalie to help build her neck muscles. Tummy time - it sounds so fun, but initially she hated it. Poor thing would face plant her little head on the mat and kick her legs and butt into the air as she strained to lift her head. Tummy time wouldn't last but a minute or two before she'd be crying it up. But over the past week, she's spending more time on her tummy and just yesterday she figured out how to roll over from tummy position. Check out her tummy/roll over video!

Milestone #5 - Sleeping in her own room
Rosalie has been a pretty good sleeper ever since we brought her home. She regularly sleeps 6-7 hours every night with only one wake up. We've had her in a pack and play in our room, but decided to transition the crib in her room this week. We decided to make the big move so that Adam and I wouldn't have to whisper once we got her to bed. The transition was super smooth. I was nervous the first night, double and triple checking that the monitor worked so that we would hear her and leaving our door open in case the monitors failed. The monitor didn't fail and we heard her little wail at 5am that morning. It's been great getting her to bed by 8:30pm and having time to chat with Adam without whispering.

A photo of one side of Rosalie's room

Milestone #6 - Double digits!
The other week we had Rosalie's 2 month check up and shots. She weighed in at 9 pounds 4 ounces! Over the past few days she's been eating a lot more than she normally does so we weighed her last night to see if she's gained any. And guess what??? She's in the double digits! She's now about 10 pounds.

Milestone #6.5 - Weaning from the nipple shield and taking a bottle...kind of
I am still using the nipple shield to nurse Rosalie and so had another lactation consultant visit last week to help get advice on how to wean her from the shield. I had been trying to get Rosalie to nurse without the shield for a few weeks now, but she would only latch on for a few seconds and then cry if I didn't put the nipple shield back on. But whatdya know - the first time I try to have her latch when the lactation consultant is there she latches on right away and proceeds to do most of a feed without the shield. She did demonstrate trouble when I switched her to the other breast and so the lactation consultant gave me good advice on positioning.  I haven't been able to replicate the success since then, but we're working on it.

In addition to shield advice, we also got bottle advice. Since I'm returning to work in January, the lactation consultant recommended we introduce one bottle a day starting now so that we can be confident Rosalie will eat when I'm away. So starting the same night she slept in her own room, Adam started to feed Rosalie from the bottle once a day. He's only tried two times now. The first was super successful - she ate 2 ounces without a fight. The second day (today) he struggled to get her to eat 1 ounce and she cried much of the time. He tried again at a different time of day and she wailed the entire time. Hopefully, we'll be able to figure out the transition soon. It's actually pretty stressful - especially for Adam.

As you can see, Rosalie has been progressing a lot in her short 2.5, almost 3, months of life. And for that (and her health) I am extremely thankful.

I am also grateful that her Granny L was out to visit and help me take care of the little one while Adam was out of town for work last week. Here is a nice video of Granny L singing "A rose is a rose" to our little Rosalie.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. There are so many things to be thankful for and I am ever so grateful to have such loving family and friends in my life.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

2 Months and Counting

Over the weekend Rosalie turned 2 months old. It's going by quickly and she's growing so fast and right before my eyes! Before we know it she'll be off to college :-( - okay so maybe that's still a little off. But it is amazing to see how much she's grown. Check out the comparison photo below. She was such a little peanut at 9 days and now she's filled in much more.

Where her milestone the other week was smiling, she is now cooing a lot more. Here is the latest video of her trying to talk.

Last week Adam had a work trip. Rosalie and I dropped him off at the airport on Tuesday at 3pm and he didn't come home until Thursday at 11pm. So it was just Rosalie, Heart Dog, and me for about 2 and a half days. We survived! But it was a lot harder taking care of a baby and a dog without a partner. I really can't imagine being a single parent. Luckily, Loni came over Wednesday night to keep me company and give me a break from holding Rosalie. I can't believe I forgot to take a photo, but here's an earlier photo with Loni and Rosalie. Loni also brought me a bunch of magazines that helped me pass the time when Rosalie was sleeping. Thanks Lon!

Loni and Rosalie
Rosalie and Heart Dog

Sorry for the short update, but gotta go eat dinner before feeding time.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Boo Who? Rosie Roo!

Rosalie's skeleton costume
To celebrate her first Halloween, we dressed Rosalie up as a skeleton. Originally I was going to try and make her an octopus costume that I saw on pinterest but when we couldn't find any cute tights, I went for the $10 glow in the dark skeleton onesie from Carters. It was a good thing too because Rosalie was in the Ergo with me for some of Halloween night so those octopus legs would have been cumbersome. Plus the skeleton was way easier.

My parents were visiting for the Halloween weekend and got to spend some quality time with Rosalie and her cousins, Ella, Mimi and Isaac. Check out the grandparent and grandkids (minus Logan and Max) photo. Ella was Dora the Explorer, Mimi was Boots (but not in costume here), and Isaac was Batman wearing a ghost shirt.

Mom and Dad with the CA grandkids

Because our neighborhood is known for some pretty good trick-or-treating, we invited extended family over for the evening. That meant that I had to put at least some decorations up. I had big plans for making a graveyard of tombstones in  our front yard, but was only able to get around to decorating our garage. The idea was again from pinterest and I got some of the templates from good ole' Martha Stewart. Adam put up the fence and I enlisted my dad to help me cut out the bats, mice and other halloween animals that we taped to the garage door. The final product came out pretty good. It rained most of the morning, so we quickly put this up in the late afternoon once the rain subsided.

Our Halloween Decorated Garage

In total, we had 17 people at our house for Halloween night. Mom made a yummy dinner and all of the kids had fun trick or treating in the neighborhood. 

While the kids were out trick or treating, Adam and my dad passed out candy and my mom and I played with Isaac and Rosalie. Mom read them books while I tried to get photos of them side by side. The first picture of them is a little deceiving because it looks like Rosalie is about the same size as Isaac. The second photo more accurately shows the size difference between the two. Isaac is 6 weeks older than Rosalie and is about 6 pounds heavier.

Isaac and Rosalie (sans her skeleton suit)
The Skeleton and the Ghost

Rosalie was a little overstimulated with the gathering and cried it up big time before she went to sleep that night, but I think overall she had fun. At least we did. :)

She continues to sleep really well and her smiles keep coming. In addition, she's cooing more which I hope to catch on video sometime soon.

Til then, I'll end with two more photos of her with her grandparents.

Rosalie and Nana Joy

Rosalie with Nanna Joy and Grandpa Ernie