Friday, October 24, 2014

Smile :-)

Rosalie's major milestone over the past week and a half is her voluntary smile. They say the smile and cooing are what make the crying worth it. I got to say, her smile is pretty darn cute and melts our hearts. She coos sometimes, but not as much as she smiles. We can't make her smile on command but she usually will smile at us when she hears our voices or is looking at our faces. It's super super cute. I've made it a routine to read Rosalie a story and have a little chat with her after her morning feed. Usually our chat consists of me telling Rosalie what the plan is for the day. During this chat is when she is usually the smiley-est and when I try to catch a few photos of her. Below are the latest smile captures and a video.

And here is a video of trying to capture her smile:

Things are going well. As we approach the 7th week of life with Rosalie, we have begun to settle into a routine. It revolves around her feeding times which are surprisingly reliable and well spaced. Her usual feeding times (give or take 30 minutes) are: 6:30am, 8:30am, 11:00am, 1:30pm, 4:30pm, 6:30pm, 8:30pm, 1:30am.

Since the last post, Rosie also got to spend some quality time with her California cousins (Logan and Max - we wish you were there). Check out her and her cousin Isaac. Isaac is just 6 weeks older! She's a small fry compared to him.

If you had to make up some thought bubbles...what would they be thinking?

Rosalie, Ella, Mimi, & Isaac

We're off to check out a daycare - so til the next post!

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